A non abstract systems design for a secret store.
Wireguard linux iptables killswitch.
A six pager for a secret store.
A one pager for a secret store.
Using Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) to map Android application traffic into Burp Suite.
Sorting faster than O(n log n).
Trimmed mean.
Some goals for the next 6-7 months.
Large scale metadata collection and privacy implications.
Twitter bots and an $11K cryptocurrency scam.
Streaming H.265 content to a Chromecast with FFmpeg and VLC.
A vim Zettelkasten note taking system.
I read the latest DynamoDB paper so you don't have to.
Why do some PDFs download and others are viewable in browser?
Running a shared local DNS cache and unclear docs mistaken as a bug.
Finding dynamic API endpoints with Chrome dev tools.