
I came across the following note taking setup in my internet travels.

There is a video of it in action.

I really like the simplicity of the setup so I adapted the scripts to work for me.

This should work for any Linux based distro but the setup will be for aptitude based systems.



sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vim git fzf xclip bat -y

Vim setup

git clone --depth=1 ~/.vim_runtime
sh ~/.vim_runtime/

To maintain your current .vimrc file you can add its contents to ~/.vim_runtime/my_configs.vim

Storing scripts

mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin
mkdir -p $HOME/notes/
git clone $HOME/.local/bin


You need to modify your shell startup script to include the path to where the scripts exist. If you are using Bash then this will be in your .bashrc file.

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export EDITOR=vim' >> $HOME/.bashrc

After modifying your rc file you need to tell your shell to re-read the contents.

 source .bashrc


Create a new note.



# My fancy note

Here is my content.

Index and search notes.


To link to other notes move your cursor/current selection over the note you want to link to in the fzf search window.

Press ctrl-y and then open the note you want to make the link from.

Press ctrl-v and it should paste in the name of the note including the title.

You can then jump to that file by using the gf command in vim while your cursor selection has the filename highlighted.

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